Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Hello everyone, I'm so excited for the Fall-o-ween season. Yummy pumpkins and corn and squash. An speaking of squash..I made a retarded-awesome butternut squash soup the other day. I roasted my butternut squash until it was soft and easily removed from the skin. Then I sauteed some onions and apples until translucent. I added the squash with a few baby carrots and a small peice of ginger and some celery leaves. I added a box of chicken stock. You can use veggie stock if you want. I boiled the hell out of it untill I could mash it all together with a potato masher. Then I carefully added it in small batches to my nutribullet blender and pureed it until it was super smooth. My food processor wasn't getting it smooth enough. But the bullet did a great job. I pureed the whole batch and returned it to the pot. I added some salt and white pepper and a pinch of sugar. A little pumpkin Pie spice and some turmeric. This is all by taste. You have to just adjust as you go. I added about a half a cup of evaporated milk at the end to give it a creamy finish but you can leave it out if you want. You can see pictures of my food if you join the Allisons Edibles group on Facebook. Im not very tech savvy so I haven't been able to post pics because I don't have my phone app anymore. I strongly suggest you make this soup for a holiday..so yummy..here's an approximate recipe 1 large butternut squash (mine was over 4 lbs) 3 large mutsu apples(you can use a combination of what's on hand) 1 medium onion chopped 3 tbs of canola for sauteeing the onions. Do not use olive. It will make your soup taste weird. A Handfull of baby carrots A few celery leaves. From the middle stalks. But please remove before you puree. a small price of ginger. But remove this as well before you puree 1 box of chicken stock and equal parts water Salt and a few pinches of white pepper. Pumpkin pie spice Turmeric Evaporated milk(optional)

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